Monday, March 9, 2009

Use Props to Get Women to Approach You

Having a drop dead gorgeous woman approach you is pretty much the ultimate male fantasy.

If given a choice, 9 out of 10 men would rather have the women start talking to them, instead of them having to do the hard work to meet the woman themselves, and risk the possibly of rejection.

Unfortunately, even if you're a guy with the good looks of Brad Pitt, getting women to approach you can be extremely difficult. The reason? Because most women are used to being approached, not the other way around!

Girls are of the mindset that men should approach them. Period.

But there are exceptions to this rule - and one of those exceptions is getting a woman to start talking to you because she's interested in something OTHER than dating you.

Now, I know this might sound strange, but once a woman starts talking to you, you can easily transition that interaction into a date. It's getting the girl to start up that conversation in the first place that's difficult.

Unless you use a little secret that will guarantee you get more women approaching you than you know what to do with.

That secret is: Use Props!

Now, a prop is any type of object that you can use to attract female attention.

It can be an interesting piece of clothing you're wearing, a really good cologne, a nice car, a guitar you know how to play - whatever. It really doesn't matter as long as it gets attention.

But by far, the best prop any guy can ever have is a cute dog!

I'd say that 80% of women in this world LOVE dogs. ANy type of animal that's cute and cuddly is sure to get a ton of attention from women.

Taking a dog on a walk through an open air mall with lots of girls around is a sure-fire way to get approached by more girls than you know what to do with.

They'll stop you and start petting your pup and ask you all types of questions about it.

I learned this from a good friend of mine who has a dog he absolutely loves. He loves this dog so much, he takes it with him EVERYWHERE. One day we were sitting outside a coffee shop talking, and about 12 women came by our table to pet his dog, and we ended up talking to each and every one of them.

But the perfect prop to have women approach you is getting a dog. This is PERFECT for guys who want to have a pet! You'll want to get a small dog because will always look like puppies, and women just ADORE puppies - even more than they do the dogs.

If you can't afford a dog, try and find a friend who has one and offer to walk him. Anywhere you take the dog - women will stop and pet it and talk to you.

They aren't known as "Man's Best Friend" for nothing, right?

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