Some of you single men who read our dating tips archive may be so shy, inhibited, and psychologically blocked that you will be unable to truly profit from the advice contained in our archive or our books, cassettes, and videos on meeting, attracting, dating, and seducing single women. I beseech you not to come to any such conclusion until you until you have first made a strong, persistent effort to practice the methods and techniques in our dating tips and advice in our products. Remember that the overwhelming majority of single men who read our tips, books, listen to our tapes, and watch our videos will be able to use this advice effectively to meet, date, attract, and seduce single women without outside professional help.
But if you have powerful blocks, can not bear to start a conversation with a woman, or face the company of a date, no matter how hard you try, then you probably need psychotherapeutic help.
Get in touch with the nearest mental hygiene clinic, or ask your family physician to recommend a good psychiatrist or psychologist. Your physician may also prescribe one of the many, very effective tranquilizers, not as a cure-all but to help reduce your anxiety, embarrassment and fear sufficiently for you to begin going out, meeting single women, talking to them, and developing promising relationships.
This article written by Don Diebel (America's #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce single women, please visit his website at:This article is copyright (c) 2008 by Don Diebel and may be reprinted in it's entirety as long as his website, byline, and copyright statement is included. He also features books, cd's, dvd's, cassettes, pheromone products on meeting, attracting, and seducing women at:
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